Wearing Angel Jewellery such as Feathers, Wings or Tiny Angels can bring peace and comfort just as finding a little white feather can mean they are watching over us. Angels are known for connecting with us in such simple ways and it means that we can be sure that an Angel is never far away.
Our silver Angel Necklaces and Earrings are infused with loving energy and lots of care and attention go into each piece. We also have many lovely Gem Stone bracelets and crystal earrings too which offer you the energy of the crystals and their wonderful healing properties.
Discover more Crystal Jewellery and Crystal Gifts to see how they can assist you with their wonderful gem stone properties.
Crystals can help with physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. They also link with various Archangels and offer support to energy healing.
Angel Jewellery is the ultimate gift or self treat sent with love and heartfelt meaning. To know as you wear it that your faith and strength grows.
About Angel Wings Art
We want to give you great customer service with a friendly, personal touch where you can find all your Angel needs! Our passion is the Angelic Realm and all the wondrous things that the Angels can help us with. We hope our one stop shop will give you a fantastic shopping experience and you can discover all you need to at the same time about Archangels, Connecting to Angels and Working with Your Guardian Angel. If we can help in any way please do get in touch as we are happy to create bespoke Angel Gifts for loved ones, special occasions or to help your personal connection.
Contact Us
Email: angelwingsart@live.co.uk
Telephone: 01282 534274 or 07984483386
Angel Wings Art® 2011-Present.