In actual fact his name means 'Strong like God' or 'God is my Strength'. Showing his importance as a communicator and powerful connections to the divine within us. Offering to bring us faith and strength in our connection to the divine creator, God or the One.
~ Symbols of Archangel Gabriel...He is often seen with peace lilies, trumpet, harp or scrolls. He has many musical connections and images due to this being a mode of communication and music evoking emotions, feelings and memories. Gabriel uses music to pass on messages from spirit, when we meditate to connect with our spiritual self and through dreams to offer guidance.The peace lilies are a sign of peace being offered to you, in a way of saying all will be well. Lastly scrolls offer higher wisdom and knowledge within. He comes to give you information relevant to your future but also so that you may understand your past, your purpose and role in this lifetime.
~ Roles of Archangel Gabriel...This amazing Archangel is a channel, a communicator and messenger of the highest order. Gabriel will work to send your prayers to Heaven and spirit loved ones, as well as relaying messages back to you. He works with peace, patience and calm to ensure that communication is clear and precise. Gabriel also works with time management and allowing extra time to complete important tasks. If you are running short on time for a deadline and need a little help call on Gabriel to assist.
Lastly he was given the role of watching over children from new babies to teenagers! From their first cry a baby communicates a feeling and need, Gabriel sets to work. To ensure they develop their skills and to assist parents and guardians to understand their level of communication. Archangel Gabriel works on many levels here so that we can become conscious spiritual being connected with energy communication. This is deeper and more intuitive than our physical voice. Being God's strength means that he can instill within us the 'Never give up' mindset and show us how to ask for help when we need it!
~ Skills of Archangel Gabriel...
- Channeling Divine Messages from the Universe to and through us
- Accepting, Understanding and Relaying Prayers to God
- Creating calm within stressful situations
- Assisting writers, poets, planners and strategists...anyone who has a creative flair to write or draw whether for work or hobby
- Watching over children and babies so that they develop communication skills and abilities to express themselves
- Instill intuitive feelings and conscious knowing that connects us all on an energetic level
- Giving us strength to keep going even if we feel tired and weary
~ Colour Associated with Archangel Gabriel...There are two main colours, one being white and the second shades of yellow through to gold. White brings clarity, clear communication and understanding. Whereas the golds have higher information, uplifting spiritual energy and ascension. Both are uplifting with Gabriels energy being very much about raising vibrations and sparking understanding of our inner wisdom.
~ Crystals Associated with Archangel Gabriel...The main crystal is Amber however there are also connections with Citrine, Carnelian and Clear Quartz. All these beautiful crystals will heighten intuition and clear away any limiting beliefs that stop you from believing in yourself. I particularly like clear quartz as it's intention can be altered and adapted depending on what we need help with. Gabriel assists us to see problems differently and find alternative ways to communicate so this works well for me. However you may prefer to start with a crystal in Gabriels colour energy field to build up your relationship first.
Carnelian is particularly good for motivation, positive life choices, energy and courage. It brings through Gabriels fun side and pushing you to keep going. If you are lacking in energy then this is a go to crystal. If you are also looking to spark ideas and get communication going through a group of people then carnelian placed in a work space or busy part of the home also works very well. Gabriels energy will infuse into the situation and people concerned to create harmony and a sense of pulling together.
How To Connect With Archangel Gabriel & Feel His Energy...
Gabriel has an extremely gentle, soft energy with sparks of creativity and fun. To connect you just have to ask that Gabriel enter your life and assist you with a particular issue or situation. You may feel a breeze, see sparks or flashes of oranges and golds, and even feel literally uplifted. He will raise hands to write and draw, showing you have to bring out from the mind all that you have been thinking on.
Gabriel can be called upon if you need help with time or completing things in a timely manner to release tension and stress. So ask for an extension or way around the problem so that feelings of being overwhelmed can go. He is an exceptional Angel at finding time, creating moments that suddenly mean you have longer and taking the pressure off.
Where children are concerned, you can ask Gabriel to protect them and guide them. He will offer to you advice and solutions for their care and well being. Ultimately around communication and understanding one another. If a child has difficulty with speech and learning then you can ask Gabriel to assist in bringing the best support possible forward. You will sense an ease, a calm and then new contacts coming forward.
It is always important to give thanks whenever you ask for help too. To be mindful of the work that they do for us and the divine love they give. A few words of "Please Archangel Gabriel, I ask that you give me guidance and bring your energy into my current situation. I give thanks for all that you do and will do to assist me in my life".
Be Open, Pay Attention, Be Thankful.