Welcome to the Angel Art Gallery for the Angels that have flown to new homes over the years. You will also discover my Colour Meanings and how I work below...
Above: One of my very first Angel families created for personal reasons and has since become a best selling greeting card and design. This is the original captured in watercolour paints and pencil.
Below Right: Archangel Seraphiel in shades of burnt oranges and golds. This is a stunning Archangel whose name means Prayer of God. He is the chief of the Seraphim Angelic Choir, those Angels closest to God. He works with them to send out the love and energy of God to those who most need it.

Angel Colours and Meanings
Angels... I mainly work with varying shades White, Cream, Silver and Gold. This is for purity, blessings and high spiritual vibrations.
Pink: Unconditional Love, Comfort, Commitment, Emotional Balance and Well Being. Connecting to Archangel Chamuel & Archangel Ariel.
Purple/Lilacs: Strength, Divine Connection, Compassion and Spiritual Balance. Connecting to Archangel Zadkiel.
Blues: Inner Peace, Stability, Sensitivity and Intuition. Connecting to Archangel Michael and Archangel Haniel.
Green: Physical Healing, Inner Power, Calm and General Well Being. Connecting to Archangel Raphael.
Orange/Yellow: Energy, Happiness, Forward Thinking, Creativity and Opportunities. Connecting to Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Jophiel.
Red: Passion, Motivation, Clearing, New Ideas and Decision Making. Connecting to Archangel Nathaniel and Archangel Jeremiel.
White: High Energy Levels, Enlightenment and Purity. Connecting to Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Metatron.
Black: Grounding, Clarity, Problem Solving and Protection. Connecting to Archangel Metatron.
Silver: Links to the Spirit World and Mystical Properties. Silver has always signified Love from the Spirit World and surrounding yourself with Silver Energy is the way to immerse yourself in Peace and to Connect with your Divine Creator.
Gold: Uplifting and Wholeness Within Oneself. Rewards from Spirit for all your trials, tribulations and path so far on earth. This shows as gifts returning to you for work carried out with mankind or for healing/help you may have given to others.
Have you found your Soulmate or Twin Flame? I often get asked if I can do a joint painting or drawing to include both partners Angels. The answer is yes and it creates a beautiful connection as the Guardian Angels come together on the canvas. This is a very popular Angel Gift for Weddings and Anniversaries as a celebration of individuals and their blending of energies in love.
Below: 'Found You'
To Request Your Very Own Personalised Angel Painting Please Click Here. Angel Card Readings are also available to go with your Angel. To give you a more complete understanding of how the Angels are helping you.
Prices Start From Only £10!
Above: Small Watercolour Angels created for my Angel Energy Oracle Card Deck. They are also available in prints, postcards and magnets!
Above: A selection of Mini Angels with Easels!
Not everyone has room for big Canvases so I created some mini artworks that can be placed anywhere in your home or work space. These are the most popular Angels gifted for healing and birthdays! As they offer a lovely little insight into the Angelic Kingdom and come with a personal meaning and description too.
How do I paint Angels and show the energy they bring...firstly I call in the Archangels to work with me and ask them to show me what they wish to say through colour and image. I work really quickly and intuitively without a plan or structure! I just add the colour until I can see how the Angel or Archangel is wishing to be shown. This can depend on the personality of the Angel and the messages they wish to give.
There is always a wonderful divine feeling of pure love that they pour into the painting ready for it to fly to it's new home. Then the Angel can truly begin its work! The message I receive is always passed on and I hope the energy connection too.
I have recently introduced some new gorgeous Angel Prints that are a great alternative to purchasing an original or giving as an Angel Gift. Each is produced on quality archival paper and card so that they are sure to last a lifetime. They range from 20" x 16" to smaller postcard size that can be framed in a 6" x 4" frame if desired.
Protection of Artist & Art Work
All Angel Wings Art Designs, Artwork & Angels Are Copyright Protected And All Work Made Will Be Initialled And Dated On The Outer Edge. Paintings will also have a Certificate of Authenticity as each one is unique. Many of the Angels on this page are re-homed already and are now the property of an individual who wish for them to remain personal. These images are for display on here only so please do not copy or replicate.
About Jayne Gift Shop Prints Available Original Art
Angel Wings Art 2011-Present. All images copyright of Artist Jayne Tunney - No reproduction without permission.