We all have Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides; beautiful loving entities who surround us throughout our lives and guide us in times of difficulty. What if you could actually see what they look like?

During meditation and quiet time I ask for your Angel to come through and connect with me. I then pick up the brush and I'm intuitively guided as to where and when to paint. I don't plan but rely on being totally guided by your Guardian Angel. They are always amazing and beautiful when they reveal themselves! The paintings are filled with high frequency Angel energy which promotes healing, love and peace. They make very special Guardian Angel Gifts too as they are energetically linked to the love of the Angels.

By taking a look at the Angel paintings in my Gallery it will give you an idea of the style of Spiritual Art I do and what you can expect. I work quickly without hesitation and thoroughly enjoy making the psychic connection with Angels to bring them closer to you. Any messages received whilst working will also be given to you.

Angel Card Readings make a wonderful addition to a painting or Angel Gift as they can reveal how the Angels are helping you or a loved one. Giving guidance and comfort to show you are very much cared for.
About Angel Wings Art
We want to give you great customer service with a friendly, personal touch where you can find all your Angel needs! Our passion is the Angelic Realm and all the wondrous things that the Angels can help us with. We hope our one stop shop will give you a fantastic shopping experience and you can discover all you need to at the same time about Archangels, Connecting to Angels and Working with Your Guardian Angel. If we can help in any way please do get in touch as we are happy to create bespoke Angel Gifts for loved ones, special occasions or to help your personal connection.

Contact Us

Email: angelwingsart@live.co.uk

Telephone: 07984483386

Angel Wings Art® Artist Jayne Tunney 2011-Present

No Reproduction without Permission. All Rights Reserved.