Have you seen your Guardian Angel? I often get asked this question and my answer is yes, quickly followed by "have you"?
More often than not the answer is "no but I would love to". Well I can almost guarantee that at some point in your life you will have seen your Guardian Angel but not recognised them as such. They are quite secretive beings in a way as they believe that we should be following in faith and trust in the divine just like they do. Yet as humans we are naturally inquisitive and often prefer to see with our eyes then believe in something out there!
However your Guardian Angel's role is to guide and guard you and at one time in your life you will have needed their help very quickly or in a crisis. But because you were so consumed with the event, circumstance or emotion you may have missed the true chance of seeing them. It may be they presented as a chill, a flash of light or an actual visualisation if you are truly lucky.
I do believe that you can converse with your Guardian Angel through mindfulness and meditation and that you can see them through developing a strong relationship. So persevere and practice connecting as you may be able to turn your No into a Yes! If you'd like to know more about your Angel or create a link through me then take a look at my Angel Art page. It explains what I do and how it can help you to connect with your Guardian Angel.
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Email: angelwingsart@live.co.uk
Telephone: 01282 534274 or 07984483386
Angel Wings Art® 2011-Present.